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"E3Live Changed My Confidence and my LIFE!"
"I’m 80 years old. For 35 years, I’ve had problems with blood sugar levels and needed to take medication. My blood pressure also needed medication to stay normal. After five months of taking E3Live each day, I feel like the nutrients have helped to even out the problems I was facing. E3Live has also helped my son-in-law, daughter and other near and dear ones. I feel very good about E3Live and I hope you will give it a try so it will work for you, too!”
"I’m very happy with taking E3Live. It gives me that boost of energy I need for day to day life. Thanks to my holistic practitioner Andrea Coulter DMH, DHHP for introducing me to the product about 3 years ago. It sure has helped me – KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK THERE! I have SLE Lupus and Anemia. I’m glad it’s all natural, so the goodness will stay with the benefits."
"I have been using Renew Me! for over two years, and I am amazed at the difference in my hair, skin and nails. I used to get three colds a year, and I often work 16-hour days, but the nutrition I have with E3Live must be making my body healthier. This is the only food I have ever taken where I have felt the results immediately. I will continue to use it on a daily basis as part of my health and beauty regime."
"I am a home school mom of three wonderful children and four years ago I was diagnosed with Adult ADD and anxiety, so I began taking prescription medications. The medication helped with my symptoms, but they also caused uncomfortable side effects. In addition to the side effects, I did not want to be on this medicine for the rest of my life.

I was in Berry Brook Farms buying alkaline water when I heard a lady ask for something to help with depression. The store employee suggested that she try E3Live. When I spoke to the employee, I decided to ask if there was anything she could recommend for ADD and anxiety. She immediately referred me to E3Live BrainON Supreme.

I was amazed at the quick results; I began to feel better in a couple of days. I have been using E3Live for about 3 months and I am now better able to focus and my moods are more balanced, without yucky side effects. The taste is not bad either."
"After 40 years of struggling with seasonal allergies, it was E3live that was the missing piece that allowed my body to heal itself after suffering for so many years. I talk about it in my cultured food classes and on my website. It was the huge amounts of B12 found naturally in this product that helped strengthen my adrenals, to overcome these seasonal allergies symptoms. I also notice I need less sleep and feel younger every year. Can’t say enough about it. Love it!"
"Five months ago I was out of shape, depressed, and constantly fatigued.

I suffered from Lymphocytic colitis and Epstein Barr. In desperation I went to the Hippocrates Health Institute in Florida to learn about nutrition and change my eating habits. At the Institute, I kept hearing other guests talking about this supplement they were taking called “E3Live”, and how wonderful it was. One night I was reading a magazine article and in it a model had written about how E3Live had made a noticeable improvement in her skin. Thinking this was more then coincidence that I kept hearing about this product, I immediately ordered it. I was willing to try anything to get my health back.

Ordering E3Live was the wisest health choice I have ever made – it has literally changed my life. Within 2 weeks I saw an improvement in not just my stamina and endurance, but also in my mood. I started exercising again and appreciating life. I became a raw food vegan and E3Live delivers the protein I need in addition to phyto-nutrients. I now take E3Live, E3 AFAMend, and E3 Camu Camu every morning and mid-afternoon. I have had no bouts of colitis and have tons of energy. In two months I will be 56, yet I feel better then I have in decades. My skin glows with good health. I run a website on beauty and health and E3Live is the number one product I recommend. I know I will never be without it. I feel very lucky to have been led to this amazing superfood! I feel very privileged to have had the opportunity to learn of such an amazing food."
"I was introduced to E3 over 4 months ago and am amazed how much my physical and mental state has changed, what seems like overnight.

I’m a 43-year-old, mother of two grown boys and have been teaching gymnastics and physical fitness for more than 12 years. Although I was very active, my weight and body shape was still hard to manage.

Since I began taking E3 on a daily basis, my cravings have diminished. As a result, I have lost unwanted fat and my muscle definition has improved. I have more energy to fulfill the physical and mental pressure of a gym coach and trainer.

I am especially pleased with the improvement of my skin, hair and nails. I sleep extremely well and found that I’m loving life, stress free.

I truly believe this fantastic food has improved my quality of life and my well being!"
"My 12 year-old son Jared was too “high energy” since the day he was born.

He had a hard time concentrating and not fidgeting and had a 30 average in public school. We started with only one E3AFA capsule for the first two days. On the third day, we gave him two capsules, and we saw an immediate improvement in his ability to concentrate, which has only improved over time. Jared’s grades are now up to 80, and we’re all very happy knowing Jared has a bright future ahead."
"I’m actively telling people about E3Live because it’s made such a profound difference in my life and the lives of people I love.

As for myself, I no longer have the mood swings, low energy and insomnia that I had for years.

As for my family members, my mother-in-law has reduced her medication of 35 years. My wife Arlene’s MRI scan came back and the doctors said her arthritis condition is dramatically receding. I could go on and on, but thebest thing to do is to experience E3Live for yourself."
"Professional surfing is an incredibly demanding sport, both physically and mentally.

The level of competition out on the waves gets more intense all the time. The super-nutrition of E3Live has given me an amazing increase in energy and endurance. E3Live has definitely brought me to a higher level of performance. E3Live has improved my overall physical and mental health.

E3Live has absolutely done wonders in my life. When I compete in international events, I now have the strength to paddle as hard as I can, which raises my level of performance. I’ve experienced a tremendous increase in my mental quickness since I added E3 to my training regimen. I feel 15 years-old again."
Poncho Sullivan
Professional Surfer
"Playing professional golf is as much a mental challenge as it is a physical one.

Whether I’m training in the gym or on the course, E3Live gives me the constant energy and focus needed to train throughout the day. Sometimes I find myself on the road for 3-6 weeks at a time. My diet has always been a priority to be functioning at my highest levels. It is sometimes difficult to eat exactly what you want when you’re on the road and that’s when E3Live can compensate and help my body recover more easily. From the first day of taking E3Live I noticed a difference and I can’t imagine my life without it."
Andrew Parr
PGA Professional Golfer
"For me drinking E3Live is like consuming pure Light Energy.

It is very simple and potent and I feel its effects very quickly. I have been practicing Bikram’s Hot Yoga for 14 years, so on a daily basis I am sweating profusely. In 2003 I began to enter Yoga Asana Championships, and in 2005 I won the International Bishnu Charan Ghosh Cup. While preparing for these yoga championships I will practice yoga asanas for 5 hours or more each day. On these days, my food intake is limited because having food in my system holds me back in my asana practice. I have found that E3Live is a food that keeps me going on days of long and strenuous physical activity. It helps me maintain high energy levels and also helps with fast recovery time. I recommend it to everyone who practices yoga."
Esak Garcia
Yoga Champion



1 1/2 cups raw cashews, soaked for 4 hours, or in the refrigerator overnight
3 1/2 cups filtered water
1 vanilla bean, insides scraped out
1 teaspoon Blue Majik powder
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
3 Medjool dates



1. Once cashews have soaked for at least 4 hours, or overnight in the refrigerator, drain and rinse well.
2. Blend all ingredients in high-speed blender for 1-2 minutes until well blended. Store in refrigerator in airtight bottle or mason jar. Mylk will keep for 3-4 days.

Makes about 3 1/2 cups


Check out other beautiful creations by Alison Griśe Wu (food, prop, wardrobe stylist and blogger) at

*website not associated with E3Live


2 cups ground almonds*
2 tablespoons date paste**
3 medium ripe peaches (or apple or nectarines)
(set aside a few thin slices of these for garnish)
1/2 tsp Blue Majik


How to prepare:

1. Put 2 of the peaches in either a food processor or blender to puree.
2. Dice 1 peach into 1⁄4" cubes.
3. Combine all ingredients in big bowl. You can put into a cylinder mold of desired shape and sprinkle almond and cinnamon on top.
4. Garnish top with peach slices. Makes 4 servings.


*how to: ground almonds

2 quarts or more unpasteurized organic raw almonds
1. Soak almonds overnight in filtered water.
2. Drain and put on dehydrator trays for 24-36 hours until dry.
3. Store in airtight container and use as needed for recipes.
4. Skip the soaking and dehydrating if you don't have a dehydrator.

**how to: date paste

25 Medjool dates
1. Pit dates and soak for 1⁄2 hour.
2. Drain and put in food processor.
3. Blend until smooth with no chunks (may need to add water if too thick).
4. Store in fridge.


1 heaped teaspoon E3Live Blue Majik powder
1 cup almond & brazil nut milk
*2 frozen bananas, sliced ** 1 vanilla bean (or 1 tablespoon vanilla extract)4 dates, pitted
1 tablespoon coconut oil
Pinch sea salt


How to prepare:

Blend all ingredients together and in a high speed blender and serve.

*To make almond & brazil nut milk place a 1/3 cup mix of almonds and brazil nuts into a high speed blender with 1 cup of water and blend. Strain through a nut milk bag or strainer.

**For frozen bananas - peel them and place in a ziplock bag overnight.

Recipe by Rowena Jayne, Leading International Yoga InstructorRaw Food Chef, Naturopath, NutritionistSpeaker, Writer, Model,*
*website not associated with E3Live Canada


1 frozen banana
1 1/2 cup pineapple
1/2 mango (optional)
2 limes (peeled)
1 serving Blue Majik (1/2 tsp)
dash of cayenne
pinch of Celtic sea salt
1 cup ice1/2 cup water


Blend and Enjoy!​



1 1/4 cups almond milk pulp, strained (OR 1 cup ground almonds mixed with enough almond milk to create a wet 'paste' in the food processor–less smooth in texture, but it is an adequate substitute)
3/4 cup dried, unsweetened shredded coconut
1/3 cup agave, honey or maple syrup
1 generous pinch salt
Scrapings of 1 vanilla bean, OR 1 tsp real vanilla extract
1-2 teaspoons Blue Majik (depending on desired color)




1. Blend all ingredients together in a food processor until they form a dough. Add a little more agave or some almond milk if the mixture is too thick.
2. Line a dehydrator sheet with Teflex and scoop the macaroons out by round tablespoons onto the sheet. Dehydrate at 115 degrees for 6 hours, or until macaroons hold together well but are still a little soft. Enjoy!​


​Additional topping:

To add a chocolate drizzle or to dip the bottoms of your cookies use the following recipe:
1/4 Cup Cacao Powder
3 Tbsp. Maple Syrup
2 Tbsp. Warmed Coconut Oil

Combine all ingredients and use to decorate the cookies.


Makes: 18-20 Macaroons


2 frozen bananas
1/2 avocado
1 tsp Blue Majiko

Optional sweetener: 2 pitted dates
Water - as needed for smooth blending, start with 1 Tbs.


How to prepare:

Blend all ingredients until desired consistency, add more water (or ice) as needed to get an ice cream thickness.


1.5 cups almonds
1 cup dates
4 bananas
1 cup fresh blueberries
1 cup shredded coconut
1 capsule Blue Majik
1 pinch vanilla powder


How to prepare:

1. In a food processor combine the almonds and dates. Process until sticky.
2. Pack this mixture into a 9 inch pie plate.
3. In a bowl combine the rest of the ingredients except the coconut. With your hand lightly mash the ingredients.
4. Add 1/2 of the shredded coco and mix with banana mash. Be careful not to over mix. It should be chunky.
5. Put the banana mixture into the pie crust and evenly spread out.
6. Top with the remaining coconut and garnish with fresh blueberries. Eat immediately.​